After the VTGO Rune token Launches, we will be doing an airdrop to reward Existing Vertcoin Holders (Wallets that actively hold a balance predating April 1st 2024) and Liquidity providers of eligible pairs. The maximum total distribution will be 210,000 VTGO (2.5% Max supply) distribution will be first come, first served. Meaning specific priority isn't given to Existing holders or Liquidity providers. Any leftover funds would remain in the treasury.
Terms for Existing Holders
6,300 VTGO MAX Claim
Claim 1VTGO Per Vertcoin​
Transfering your vertcoin before distribution will result in partial or complete loss of airdrop share​
Terms for Liquidity providers
LP Token / VTGO Rates to be announced*
Distribution for Liquidity providers will take place 4 Months after Existing holders, Removing liquidity during this time will result in partial or complete loss of airdrop share